

For your safety and ours, we will be requiring the following procedures:

 – Check-in – Please call/text our front desk (972-398-0333) from the parking lot when you arrive.  We will call or text you when your stylist is ready for you to enter.  We ask that you arrive for your appointment on time and no earlier.  Late arrivals are subject to cancellation and rescheduling.

 -Masks – Masks are required for all staff and guests while in the salon at all times.  We ask that you wear a mask that secures behind the ears so that your stylist can comb through your hair easily.

 – Temperature Reading – All staff and guests will be temperature checked with touch-less thermometers and asked a few health related questions before entering Greenline Salon.  Temperatures over 100.4 degrees will not be permitted to enter and asked to reschedule.

 – Social Distancing – We have split our staff into 2 shifts. Service providers will be working 6 feet apart from one another and guests will be seated accordingly.

 – Touch-less Greetings & Goodbyes – We will not be shaking hands or hugging at this time.

-Stress Relieving Rituals – We are temporarily discontinuing hand and arm massages and mini-facials.

 – No Beverages – We will not be offering any beverages at this time.  Please bring your own drinks and absolutely no food.

 – Limited Items and Guests – Please limit any belongings that you bring into the salon to your phone and form of payment (rather than your handbag). Please do not bring any extra guests or children to your appointment at this time.  If your child is receiving a service, please check them in at the front door and wait for them outside or in your car.  Absolutely no pets will be allowed in the salon at this time.


COVID-19 Waiver

Must be completed & submitted before Appointment.

Please read the following waiver, fill in the form below and click the submit button below to agree to the terms of the waiver.

Anisha’s Salon is doing everything we can to protect you, our client, our community, and our staff. To this extent, we will be following the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology guidelines with regard to social distancing practices and sanitation in order to reduce the spread of Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19. This will require our staff to maintain six (6) feet of distance between ourselves and you, the client, as much as possible in our salon setting. We will also be requiring this same procedure for client-to-client contact in order to limit the exposure to all individuals. Only the person receiving the service will be allowed in the salon.

 All tools, stations, and equipment will be sanitized and/or disinfected between each client. New capes will be given to each client. Staff will follow proper handwashing protocols between each client. We will Temporarily suspend all complimentary services; NO rituals, NO hand massage, NO facials, No beverages, No blow-drying

Anisha’s Salon requires all individuals to utilize approved masks, either surgical masks or improvised masks such as scarves, bandannas, and handkerchiefs that secure behind your ears only to reduce the risk of exposure to yourself and others. It is also required of everyone to either wash or sanitize their hands upon arrival of your appointment, after using the restroom, sneezing, or coughing.

 If we all work together, we can overcome the spread of this virus as well as other infectious diseases. We welcome you to Greenline Salon!

By filling out the form below and submitting, you agree to comply with the written instructions above and agree that you are at the salon at your own risk, releasing Greenline Salon from any liability relating to COVID-19. Failure to comply with these written instructions or verbal instructions from staff may result in your removal from the premises.

Please complete the form below